Who is Jesus?

As we read through the Gospels of the New Testament (that is the books, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the Bible), it quickly becomes evident that Jesus was a great teacher and a powerful miracle worker. Crowds would follow him to listen to what he had to say and to see him perform signs and wonders.

But, while He was a great teacher and miracle worker, His purpose was to save people from their sin. The leaders who quizzed him and the crowds that followed would eventually call for his execution (crucifixion or death on a cross). Jesus went to the cross willingly, because He was dying for us, taking our sin and its consequences on himself, so that we could be forgiven and come back to God. That is why we describe Him as the Saviour.

Death, however, was not the end for Jesus. He was raised to life!

Many eyewitnesses saw Him, confirming that He truly is the Son of God and that He has defeated death forever. This means that (i) He takes His rightful place as Lord over all things; and (ii) He can give us new life.

If this is who Jesus is, then we must respond by allowing Him to rule our lives and trusting Him for forgiveness and life.

The most detailed documents that we have about Jesus are found in the Bible and they reveal who Jesus is, what he came to do and how we are to respond to him. The Old Testament prepares the reader for the one who would come as both Lord and Saviour of the world. The New Testament begins with the four gospels (good news) of Jesus Christ – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – and continues with many writings explaining who Jesus is, what he has done and how we are to respond to him.

Most historians acknowledge that Jesus existed, however, even with all the fantastic biblical testimony, some are not satisfied.

Outside the Biblical testimony, we also see that Jesus is a real figure in history. He is not fanciful – made up for our amusement or to merely comfort us – He is testified to in many historical documents. Writers like Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (55/56-c.118 C.E.) and Titus Flavius Josephus (37-c.100 C.E.) refer to Jesus. They teach us many things about Jesus and you can find detail here.

Need more information?

The best place to go for more about Jesus is to read the Bible for yourself. There are also many apps for your mobile device available, here is one to get you started.

To understand what Jesus has come to do, Two Ways To Live gives a fantastic outline.

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