Op Shop

The Op Shop is a ministry of the local Culburra Beach Anglican Church. It sells great used clothing at very cheap prices. The clothing is donated by members of the community. You can donate any old clothing in the Good Samaritan bins located at our shop or Culburra Beach Anglican Church.

Opening Hours

Weekdays from 9 am till 4 pm;
Saturday from 9:00am till 12:00pm;

Location & Contact Information

3/4 Weston Street, Culburra Beach
Ph: 4447 4084
E: opshop@culburraanglican.asn.au
FB: https://www.facebook.com/anglicanopshopculburra/

Emergency Relief

Our Op Shop provides emergency relief for individuals and families needing assistance. Please contacts us above if you need assistance.


The Op Shop is run by a team from Culburra Beach Anglican Church and supported by a very capable group of volunteers. 
If you would like to volunteer to care for our community, please call or email Neroli using the details above.

If you require further assistance, financial or otherwise, please refer to…

All Saints Community Care

68 Plunkett Street, Nowra
(The Hope Centre at the rear of the All Saints Nowra church car park)
Ph: 4423 1099